
Showing posts from August, 2023

Litany of Intercession to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

  Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.   God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.   Holy Mary, pray for us sinners. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Queen of heaven, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, vanquisher of Satan, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, most dutiful Daughter, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, most pure Virgin, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, most devoted Spouse, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, most tender Mother, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, perfect model of virtue, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, sure anchor of hope, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, refuge in affliction, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, dispenser of God's gifts, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, tower of strength against our foes, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, our aid in danger, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, road leading to Jesus, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, our light in darkness, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, o...

Hail Star Of The Sea

  Hail, bright star of ocean, God's own Mother blest, Ever sinless Virgin, Gate of heavenly rest. Taking that sweet Ave Which from Gabriel came, Peace confirm within us, Changing Eva's name. Break the captives' fetters, Light on blindness pour, All our ills expelling, Every bliss implore. Show thyself a Mother; May the Word Divine, Born for us thy Infant, Hear our prayers through thine. Virgin all excelling, Mildest of the mild, Freed from guilt, preserve us, Pure and undefiled. Keep our life all spotless, Make our way secure, Till we find in Jesus, Joy forevermore. Through the highest heaven To the Almighty Three, Father, Son and Spirit, One same glory be. Amen.

Consecration To Mary - Our Lady Of La Leche

Oh Beloved Mother MARY , under the title of Our Lady of La Leche, I ..........(state you're name), consecrate myself to you today. I give you all that I am and all that I have to use as you wish for the betterment of the Kingdom of God. Take my life and breath, my strengths and weaknesses, my desires and concerns, my family and possessions. Mold me and form me according to your pleasure for the greater glory of God. Dear Lady of La Leche, I ask you to care for me as you did for your baby Jesus nursing at your breast. Give me a greater love for the body and blood of your Son, our Lord and Savior, who was formed by the Holy Spirit in your virginal womb. Ask him to forgive my sins, deepen my faith, and guide my actions so that my hopes and desires will be one with his for his glory. Our Lady of La Leche, through this consecration, help me to imitate your reverence and holiness, your trust in God, your abandonment to Divine will, your contemplative prayer life, your obedience to God...